Services I Offer

ways you can work with me

Priest & Priestess Training

I have the honor to serve as an Ordained Priestess in the 13 Moon Mystery School lineage. I facilitate year-long immersions through the 13 faces of the Goddess archetypes for small groups of initiates (both male & female) interested in experiential learning to deepen their intuition, shed layers of identities that no longer serve and step more fully into the embodiment of their unique, essential Selves. Through this alchemical journey, each person has the opportunity to face into the shadows of each archetype and bring awareness to the seeds held within the unconscious realms, while unlocking the innate gifts & talents they came here to bring.

To learn more about the year-long immersion beginning November 2024 and apply to step onto this path through Mystery School training, click here.

One-on-One Mentoring

I serve as a Transformational Guide using a variety of tools and modalities that I’ve trained in over the last decade, including Archetypal Embodiment practices, Mythic Coaching, Deep Listening, Yoga & Breathwork, Meditation, Sound Healing, and Essential Oil Anointing. Through my own path of initiation in the 13 Moon Mystery School under the guidance of elders and sisters Sarah uMa, Ariel Spilsbury and Diana DuBrow, I’ve now been ordained as a focalizer of this sacred work.

I ground my work in the physical realm and body through my training as an IIN Certified Health Coach, rooted in the belief that each person I work with is a unique individual with a range of specific needs based on your life at that moment. My “prescriptions” will be highly customized to provide a balance of left & right brain practices that always focus on bringing you back to your Self & developing your capacity to hear and trust the intuition innate within you. You hold your own keys to healing and growth-I am here to help you discover where they may lie hidden.

Through my own transformative experience working with writing as a healing practice, delving into the realms of memory, I guide you through the process of clearing past trauma and opening to the gifts hidden within the eternal cellular memory encoded within your very DNA.