Remember the Ancient Future Ways of the Divine Feminine.

Immerse Yourself in the Archetypal Frequencies of the Moon on this Year-Long Journey.

Are You Ready for a New Way of Seeing, Relating & Living?

In stepping onto this path, We are consciously choosing to re-member a time of Harmony & Balance

that comes from embracing all in Unity Consciousness. 

In order to see this in our world out there, we each must create this new way of being from within. 


The Way of the Divine Feminine is a Way of Unconditional Love.


We have all been born into an overly solar world, one with an often unconscious striving, pushing, forcing and constant need for endless achievement. We repress & push away the feelings that lie beneath the surface or appear to slow us down.

The result of this is exhaustion—both within and outpictured in our planet.


This 13 moon journey is based on an ancient paradigm of the moon calendar. In many cultures, time was & is tracked by the changing faces of the moon. The moon governs the tides, agricultural seasons and the rhythm of life for entire civilizations. There are 13 moons each year. A woman has 13 moon cycles or “periods” annually. When we shift the way we track time, we come into greater alignment with Nature and remember our deep connection with the Earth & its capacity to heal.


The moon represents the feminine & lunar aspect that lies within all of us-regardless of our gender. It is our connection to the natural cycles, the ebb & flow of the tides, the mystery in the ever-changing faces. Reconnecting with the moon’s energy, we expand our lens of perception & re-member parts of ourselves that have been hidden in shadows or go unnoticed when we are so focused on our daily life.


In taking this journey, we reclaim harmony & balance between these two ways of being & doing, allowing the natural currents to guide our lives as we deepen our intuition and learn to trust the cycles of life. Opening our channels to archetypal energies helps us to see beneath the surface of our lives, innerstand the opportunities in every challenge we face, deepen our presence and shift the way we show up in our relationships & work…and as a result, our lives begin to change.


This journey is co-created in a small circle of beings that comes together to reflect the shifts occurring at a soul level, celebrate the rites of passage we move through as we evolve, and open us to insight as we cultivate the capacity to read & speak the subtle language of symbols.


The gifts of this 13 month journey are freedom, wholeness, and unity consciousness that come through an entirely new lens of seeing your life & all that is unfolding on the planet during these times. This is an invitation to step into Service at a Soul Level, for as you say YES to this work, you become conscious of the impact your individual life choices have on the collective and, through your own personal alchemy, you take part in the Great Shift occurring for us all.

The most a priori, seminal premise on which this work is based is that archetypal energy heals, catalyzes and transforms at a vibrational level of consciousness that goes far beyond what the mind can cognize.

What to Expect in your first 13 Moon Journey:

-Learn to Trust the Mystery as you dive into your emotional body, cultivating the ability to discern between emotion and feeling.

-Begin to sense at new levels as the Archetypal Energy immerses you and opens your channels of perception to the subtle realms.

-Shift the way you communicate and relate to others as you experience deeper presence & soul-level relationships within the circle.

-Face & Embrace shadow aspects of self that are rising to the surface of your awareness to be loved into wholeness. Every shadow holds a gift and this journey amplifies those aspects so that you can release past ways of being that no longer serve you and step into fuller embodiment.

-Begin to navigate life in new ways that innately trust Source to guide you through your intuition rather than forcing outcomes.

-Widen your capacity for holding all emotions & circumstances in Equanimity. Cultivate compassion and release beliefs, patterns and behaviors that might not be accessible to change from a mental level.

The Thirteen Archetypes:

Great Mother: Samhain Surrender- November 2024

Surrender into Her Cosmic Waters of Nurturance, Gratitude & Unconditional Love

Goddess of Compassion: December 2024

Discover Compassion & Activate the Bodhisattva Within through Mudra, Mantra & Yantra

Priest-ess: January 2025

Learn to Amplify in Stillness as the Oracle as You Bathe in the Waters of Remembrance

Creator Destroyer Preserver: January 2025

Purify & Liberate with Sacred Anger as You Learn to Focus Your Energy & Destroy Illusions

Lady of Communion: February 2025

Embody Sovereignty as You Rebalance Your Inner Masculine & Feminine, Coming into Harmony with all of Nature

Muse: March 2025

Remember the Power of Play as You Activate the Sacred Gifts of Your Holy Innocent Child

Goddess of Love: April 2025

Deepen Your Presence through the Senses as You Fulfill Your Divine Desire for True Self-Love

Primal Goddess: May 2025

Liberate Yourself from unconscious patterns of Limitation, Discovering the Wild Wo/Man Within

Initiator: June 2025

Step into Full Authenticity as You Align with Truth & Take a Quantum Leap towards Your True Nature

Wise Woman: July 2025

Return to the Source of Your Inner Wisdom through Humor, Heart Knowing & Medicine Ways

Weaver Dreamer: August 2025

Expand Your Perception to the Mythic Self You Came to Embody, Weaving a New Reality for Self & All

Queen of Death: September 2025 *Egypt Pilgrimage

Release in Trust as You Set Sail across the River Styx & Shed Layers of Past Paradigms

Alchemical Goddess: September-October 2025

Ecstatically Enter the Portal of Rebirth through the Peacock’s Tail, Embodying the Alchemist Who Transmutes Lead into Gold.

lotus eye.png

What You Will Receive:

-Access to a private, membership-based website that holds all documents, readings, guided meditations, imagery and tools for you to deepen with each month.

-Two 2-hour long ceremonial calls each month invoking the archetypal presence of each face of the Goddess. These will include ritual, witnessing & soul-level initiations and activations.

- A library of movies, books, myths, podcasts & videos that hold the frequency of each archetype.

-Invitations to attend in-person retreats to have an experience of these ceremonies and energies in the physical throughout the year in locations such as Austin, TX, Santa Barbara, Arizona & Egypt. We highly encourage attendance at at least one retreat to feel the palpable nature of these archetypes and experience the depth of connection with those traveling alongside you on this journey.

-Guided ritual practices to create sacred tools, art, dance & other creative expressions to bring these energies into your daily life & physical form.

-Opportunities to share in deepening calls hosted each week we are not in ceremony by the Priest/esses in Devotion.

-Vast, deep and lifelong relationships based at a soul level with those who are doing this work alongside you.

-Optional one-on-one sessions with your mentor Greyson each moon to reflect on how the archetypes are interfacing with you.

13 Moon Gateways of Initiation

(The Into the Mythic course holds the intention of bringing initiates through the first 3 gateways. Gateway 4 is accessed during the Entering the Feminine Mysteries of the year-long circle.)

Gateway 1: Enter the Temple.

The journey of remembrance and awakening leads you to enter into 13 temples (archetypes) of the Divine Feminine.

At this level, you begin your remembrance by discovering which archetypes are most resonant with you at this time in your life.

Gateway 2: Awaken the Temple.

At this level, you begin to awaken the temple of remembrance within you.

This may be done by sitting with a series of different meditations that awaken the Goddess within you, the gifts of your inner sight, healer, and wisdom.

Gateway 3: Embody the Temple.

At this step, you begin consciously embodying the 13 archetypes within your everyday life, while embracing their challenges and gifts.

Gateway 4: Enter the Mystery - Initiate level.

In this level, one enters into full initiation in each temple of the 13 faces of the Divine Feminine for a full 13 Moon cycle.

You are part of a bonded alchemical container held by a 13 Moon Focalizer and you are devoted to going the distance and fulfilling what is required to step into this level. If someone comes through an online circle, s/he must attend the 2-4 retreats offered, so that in essence, s/he has been present for a living transmission of each archetype.

Gateway 5: Devotion to the Temple.

This level occurs as one steps into being an Initiate in Devotion. One has already gone through a full cycle of the 13 Moon Mystery School initiate circles. (If s/he has done an online version then s/he has already attended the live retreats).

At this gate, s/he applies to enter into a circle (online or in person) to be an initiate in devoted service. Here, s/he is called an Initiate in Devotion: devoted in service to the DIVINE ONE, the circle of the sisters and brothers, and the focalizer.

Gateway 6: Becoming the Temple - Full Ordination.

At this gate, initiates complete their alchemical initiatory challenges in alignment with how these have been presented to them by their focalizer/mentors. An initiate is held in one-on-one mentorship as s/he completes these challenges.

This can occur simultaneously with Gateway 5: Initiate in Devotion.

When the focalizers feel the challenges have been met (this is an open-ended situation that requires tangible focus and concrete change), the sister or brother has a final personal initiation with one of the Lineage Holders of the 13 Moon Mystery School; after completion, (if there is alignment) s/he may be ordained as a 13 Moon Priest/ess.

Art by Cheryl Yambrach Rose

Art by Cheryl Yambrach Rose

The time has come.

Awaken to your divine destiny & empowerment.

As this is an intimate group traveling together over the course of one year, there are limited seats available in the circle.

Reserve your space by filling out an application and scheduling a call with Greyson to discern if you are ready at a Soul level to embark on this alchemical journey.