Human Design Chart-Rave Mandala


It’s finally here! A Human Design Chart You can hang on your wall and use to study your unique energetic being in human form. These photos are of my first try, so I’m perfecting the lines and details, but this will give you an idea!

They are 18”x24” and you can choose whether you want metallic watercolors on Black or White Paper. All I need are the same details as you’d give me for an Astrology chart (fill out the form attached).

These are much more detailed and take about 12 hours each, so the pricing reflects that. The wait time will depend on how many orders I have in line before yours, since I want them to be of the highest quality for you and it’s not every day that I can draw perfectly straight lines!

I have two people I suggest for readings if you’re not familiar and want to dive into your chart once you order one. The first is Auna Salomé (www. and the second is Ahram Arya ( code HD-SAVE15-GK for 15% off of a first reading with him.

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