Eclipse Season 2022

Throughout history and across cultures, eclipses have been acknowledged as powerful times of transformation both within the personal lives of everyone they touch as well as entire societies. Think of them like thresholds of change. They often bookmark themes or chapters in your life or in the collective where a shift is taking place, and they come in waves throughout a year.

This season, there are two eclipses back to back, beginning with the partial Solar Eclipse that comes in the New Moon sign of Scorpio. What does that mean in general? Eclipses are when the moon passes in front of the sun and causes a time of apparent darkness within the light of day. The light of the Sun is blocked for a few hours by the presence of the moon passing in front of it. Likewise, on an “inner life” level, that motion is echoed within our own psyches, especially in a particular area of our life where the sign of Scorpio falls within our birth chart. Depending on how aware we are of that movement as well as the theme that’s arising to be eclipsed or shifted in perspective within us, it may show up as a feeling of awe and wonder…or, if you’re not so aware of it, deep inner turmoil and anxiety that you can’t quite touch.

Scorpio is the only zodiac sign that has three symbols: the Scorpion, the Phoenix and the Eagle. At the least conscious level, acting from a place of shadow (or unconscious reaction), the Scorpion uses its poison to sting and kill whatever it sees out there as needing to protect itself from. It acts from a place of defense and often, ends up stinging itself. You might see this as a reflection of the time (which happen to all of us) when your nervous system reacts quickly and you lash out, not realizing you were in fight or flight mode. If you can breathe, slow down and see beneath the surface of what appears to be causing that reaction, often you’ll discover a pattern, or a current beneath the surface of the waters of your emotional reaction. That’s what Scorpio invites us to do—to dive deeper than those engrained reactions and feel the emotion as a wave that can flow through us instead of carrying us away with the story of defense our mind is telling us.

If we can access that deeper truth, slow down enough to see the pattern and allow that wave to move through us, often we find Scorpio brings the deep, healing relief of release. It might feel a bit like death to the ego part of us that want to be right, safe, secure…but if we can get there, a new way of relating, a stronger nervous system and a deeper sense of trust are always the gifts on the other side of that wave. That’s when Scorpio begins to embody at the second frequency level-that of the Phoenix. Even though the challenges still appear in life, how we react is shifted into response that comes from a deeper level of self-trust, knowing that we can make it through the waves and have no need to sting and defend. Our relationships can go through transformations and we evolve, rising from the ashes of conflict into new heights of being as the Phoenix.

And finally, at the highest level of expression, Scorpio becomes the Eagle, the one that can see life from a higher perspective and embody a truer sense of power that no longer gets stuck in the reactionary process. Life is then viewed not only from a personal perspective, but from a sense of how each of our actions and responses also impacts the whole. As Gandhi said, we “be the change we wish to see in the world.”

So, how do you find out where in your life this eclipse might be impacting you? Check your natal chart to see where 2° Scorpio shows up and you’ll find the house that it’s located in. Each house is like a different classroom that has a unique set of lessons you are to learn. Based on that house, and any planets or asteroids there, you can garner a pretty good idea of what themes might be arising for you in this particular eclipse window.
To learn more about your personal chart and the eclipse significance, feel free to book a Personal Eclipse Reading with me here.


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